Please select the file below to read our newsletter of what has occured from September - Ocotober here in Knox county! You will find information on our fair season, the Robotics club, a nutrition event, and more. Please see that there is further information about how to prevent fall armyworms and processing venison.
Fall armyworms have been causing major damage to soybean and forage crops in Kentucky
and they could move into southern Indiana. Typically, we see infestations in corn and other
grass crops but they can feed on most plants.
In Knox County, late planted crops such as forages, cover crops, double-crop soybean, and
alfalfa could be at risk. Fall armyworm move in large numbers and consume large amounts of
foliage. They key is to scout fields and spot this pest before the worms get greater than an inch
long. At that point they are very difficult to control.
Proper identification is critical the moth has dark gray mottled forewings and a white spot near
the end of each. Larvae when newly hatched are green and move in a looping motion. As they
grow their color varies from light tan or green to nearly black. They also have three yellow lines
that go down their backs. Next to these yellow lines is a wider dark stripe, followed by a wavy
yellow stripe with red splotches. There is also a white inverted Y-shape between their eyes.
Typically management is not necessary however if 50% of plants show fresh feeding and the
larvae are small there are numerous insecticides available
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