As we finish up the 2024 fair season I want to say thank you to all of the parents and volunteers. You have truly made this year great for the kids through your support. To all of the 4-Hers, be proud of all of your accomplishments this year! I hope to make the upcoming program year just as great as this year.
As a reminder, open enrollment for the 2024-2025 year begins October 1st. You will have to re-enroll your child through 4-H online and pay the $15 annual state enrollment fee. Please make sure you do this before participating in any club meetings or events. We want to make sure that you are insured in the event of injury. If you are a volunteer, please make sure you are re-enrolling beginning October 1st. You will have to complete the required trainings on 4-H online before you can work with youth.
We have a lot of programs scheduled for the rest of the year! Check out the next few pages for more details. Most of the programs are best suited for grades 3-12, but if you have a mini that is very
interested please let me know and I can accommodate them. We will have some programs this year just for the minis! If you ever have
suggestions for programs let me know. Junior leaders will meet the last Tuesday of every month and is open to grades 6-12. We will begin again in September. For all of my livestock 4-Hers, we will start offering QLC workshops in February.
Hope everyone has a great month! Reach out if you need anything and please do not forget to pick up your state fair project, ribbons, and score cards if applicable. Thank you!