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Introduction to Prescribed Fire - Online Workshop Series

In this training series, we will learn basics of fire ecology, burn planning, fire safety, necessary equipment and personnel, various tactics and wildlife along with plant community responses to fire in different environments. Differences and strategies for woodland and grassland prescribed fires will be discussed, as well.

Attend ALL sessions (Zoom):
Thursday, February 20 - 1-3pm EST
Tuesday, February 25 - 1-3pm EST
Thursday, February 27 - 1-3pm EST

Registration will be opened in mid-January, though there is no fee for these workshops. Workshops are designed for Indiana Conservation Partnership(ICP) member organizations and open to all. If you are in need of accommodations, contact Jessica by February 18. Purdue is an Equal Access/Equal Opportunity University.

Attend ONE at a nearby location, 9am-3pm EST:
March 11*: Martell Forest, West Lafayette
March 13: Davis PAC, Farmland
April 8: Southern Indiana Purdue Agricultural Center (PAC), Dubois
April 10: Southeast PAC, Butlerville

*locations and dates subject to change, rain dates April 15 and 17
Field days will offer hands-on training for conservation professionals. Topics include prescribed fire planning and implementation, safety and equipment, firebreaks, NRCS prescribed fire practice standards, and a live fire demonstration (weather permitting).

Attendance at all online sessions and one field day required for certificate of completion. 

Sponsors include: Purdue Extension - Forestry and Natural Resources, Indiana Conservation Partnership and USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.

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