Summer Assistant
Montgomery Co. 4-H Summer Assistant Job Description
Position Title: Montgomery Co. 4-H Summer Assistant
Position Location: Montgomery Co. Extension Office, 400 Parke Ave,
Crawfordsville – 4-H Fairgrounds
Position Time Frame: May 9 - August 5, 2022, preferred
8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday
Salary: $4000
- Must provide own transportation.
- Must be willing to attend some night and/or weekend meetings and programs.
- Must be willing to work extended hours throughout time of employment.
- Must have good computer, organization and people skills.
- Must be 18 years of age or older.
Job Description:
The 4-H Summer Assistant will be hired and funded by the 4-H Incorporated Board. As the 4-H Summer Assistant, the individual will be expected to assist the 4-H Youth Development Extension Educator and to cooperate with Extension office staff in preparation for and wrap-up of summer 4-H activities. The Summer Assistant will not be expected to interpret policies set by the 4-H Incorporated Board.
Job Responsibilities may include:
- Assist in planning and conducting workshops, including Mini 4-H Day.
- Coordinate activities and materials for the 4-H Fair.
- Keep a monthly report of activities.
- Work with the media concerning 4-H results and the publication of the 4-H Tab in the Journal Review.
- Assist with 4-H correspondence.
- Assist with Purdue Extension programming efforts as needed.
- Assist with the Junior Leader program.
- Complete tasks related to post-fair wrap up.
- Help enter projects at the Indiana State Fair.
- Complete any additional relevant Purdue Extension office or activity tasks.
Application Deadline: Friday, February 25, 2022
Application below.