Summer Assistant

Montgomery Co. 4-H Summer Assistant Job Description

Position Title: Montgomery Co. 4-H Summer Assistant

Position Location: Montgomery Co. Extension Office, 400 Parke Ave,
                                 Crawfordsville – 4-H Fairgrounds

Position Time Frame: May 9 - August 5, 2022, preferred
                                      8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday

Salary: $4000


  1. Must provide own transportation.
  2. Must be willing to attend some night and/or weekend meetings and programs.
  3. Must be willing to work extended hours throughout time of employment.
  4. Must have good computer, organization and people skills.
  5. Must be 18 years of age or older.

Job Description:

The 4-H Summer Assistant will be hired and funded by the 4-H Incorporated Board. As the 4-H Summer Assistant, the individual will be expected to assist the 4-H Youth Development Extension Educator and to cooperate with Extension office staff in preparation for and wrap-up of summer 4-H activities. The Summer Assistant will not be expected to interpret policies set by the 4-H Incorporated Board.

Job Responsibilities may include:

  1. Assist in planning and conducting workshops, including Mini 4-H Day.
  2. Coordinate activities and materials for the 4-H Fair.
  3. Keep a monthly report of activities.
  4. Work with the media concerning 4-H results and the publication of the 4-H Tab in the Journal Review.
  5. Assist with 4-H correspondence.
  6. Assist with Purdue Extension programming efforts as needed.
  7. Assist with the Junior Leader program.
  8. Complete tasks related to post-fair wrap up.
  9. Help enter projects at the Indiana State Fair.
  10. Complete any additional relevant Purdue Extension office or activity tasks.

Application Deadline: Friday, February 25, 2022

Application below.

Contact Us

Contact Abby Morgan for more information.
Application due by Friday, February 25th, either by email or mailed/dropped off at the Extension Office.
400 Parke Ave, Crawfordsville, IN 47933