Livestock Project Members!

Pen Assignments Info And Livestock Judge List

Livestock Project Members!

This year, you will notice that pen assignment forms are formatted differently. Please read this letter carefully and fill out each postcard correctly. Please return the enclosed postcard(s) to the Montgomery County Extension Office, 400 Parke Avenue, Crawfordsville, IN 47933 or drop it in the mail slot to the right of the door at the office if it is after hours by Monday, June 10th!

Pen fee amounts are listed on the enclosed postcard. This fee is due with the postcard and will be used to defray the costs of stall maintenance and waste removal. Since these fees do not cover the entire cost, 4-H Inc. pays the remaining costs for removing the trash and bedding materials. Monday, June 10th is the deadline and if pen assignments are not received by that date fees will increase. 

  • Rabbits and Poultry will be $5/head
  • Sheep, Swine, Dairy, and Goats will be $10/head
  • Beef will be $23/head. 

If fees are not paid prior to check-in, the 4-Her will not be allowed to exhibit. Delinquency of payment will not guarantee pen space.

Fairground’s set-up will be Saturday, July 6th at 8:00 am. Everyone is needed. Bring “weed eaters” and hand tools, as there will be much to be done. Fairground’s clean-up is scheduled for Wednesday, July 17th at 10:00 am. Livestock will not be released till Wednesday, July 17th starting at 6:00 am and all animals must be off the grounds by 12:00 pm that same day.


Special Notes

  1. Please be on the look-out for the 2024 County Fair Schedule that will be posted on our website for livestock entry days/times.
  2. Livestock Auction sign-up will be done at the time of check-in.
  3. Stalls and pens are your responsibility. The 4-Her must clean all stall and pens of their animals throughout the fair and as a final clean-up.   All pens MUST be cleaned by Wednesday, July 17th at 12:00 pm.  
  4. Registered animals must be in name of the 4-Her or their family. See page 33-35 in the 4-H Info Book (Posted on the Purdue Extension-Montgomery County website or hard copies are available at the Extension office).
  5. NOTE TO SWINE AND GOAT EXHIBITORS, please include with your pen assignment forms, copies of ALL purebred registration papers. We suggest bringing original registration papers during check-in. Swine and goats without registration papers will be shown as crossbreds.
  6. Born & bred statements for goats are to be turned in with pen assignments.
  7. No butt fans, squirrel cage or furnace-type fans will be allowed in the barns.
  8. The state fire marshal does not allow small lamp cord-type extension cords for fans in the barns. All cords must be securely fastened above pens, or you will be asked to remove them.
  9. Sheep and swine exhibitors - please use wood shavings for bedding.
  10. Beef and Dairy Beef will have bedding provided
  11. Beef tie-out space will be available. Cattle may be tied out after 8:00 pm.
  12. Livestock trailers- you will receive instructions on how to enter the fairgrounds as the fair approaches. It will be important to follow the instructions due to activities going on at the fair at the same time animals will be entering.
  13. There will be no appraisal truck available.
  14. Please be as accurate as possible on the numbers you will be bringing. Due to the large volume in animals expected, extra space may be reassigned at the fair, as needed.

Project Completion Cards: Project completion cards will be checked upon your arrival. You will receive a project completion card from your 4-H Club Leader. To obtain a project completion card, you must have your livestock record sheet(s) completed and signed by your 4-H Club Leader prior to livestock check-in. Be sure you have your card ready at check-in or a picture of your card on your phone.

Indiana 4-H Quality Livestock Care Requirement: Livestock superintendents for swine, sheep, goats, beef cattle, dairy cattle, rabbits, and poultry will be provided a list of all youth who have successfully completed their quality assurance training. Those youth who have not completed their training by the set deadline will not be allowed to exhibit at the 2024 Montgomery County 4-H Fair. To register for a training, please visit under the “Events” tab.

Pen Assignments due 6/10/24

Pen Assignments are due Monday, June 10th. 

Fairgrounds set up will be July 6th at 8am!!

Livestock Judges

2024 Livestock Judge List