This project prepares you for what it takes to feed the world. Test germination rates, study seed selection and seasonal pests, and identify plant diseases and weeds. Project areas include Corn, Soybeans, Small Grains, and Alfalfa.
- Agronomy: Agronomic Business & Marketing
- Agronomy: Crop & Soil Management
- Agronomy: International Agronomy
- Applied Meteorology and Climatology
- Crop Science
- Plant Genetics, Breeding & Biotechnology
- Soil & Water Science
- Crop Consultant
- Research Agronomist
- Environmental Research Scientist
- Agronomist
Project Resources
Crops Exhibit Guidelines
- All Crops project members are encouraged to exhibit at the County Fair.
- All Crops members are encouraged to show in all the open classes at the State Fair.
- Complete everything on the Crops Record Sheets, including the estimated yield and profit or loss, and put it in the Green Record Book for check-in. If displaying plants, make a duplicate copy of the Crops Record Sheet to be exhibited with the plants. Enclose the paperwork in a gallon zip-lock bag.
- The exhibit requirements for crops at the Montgomery County Fair are below.
- Any activity exhibited as a display must be able to sit on a table and be no more than 14” x 28” and no higher than 22”.
Alfalfa & Mixed Hay
All Alfalfa and Mixed Hay exhibits must be exhibited in a black plastic bag.
Exhibits not meeting this requirement will be lowered by one placing.
Beginner: Grades 3-5
Intermediate: Grades 6-8
Advanced: Grades 9-12
You will be required to exhibit one (1) flake of Alfalfa OR one (1) flake of Mixed Hay. Alfalfa and Mixed Hay will be judged separately. The flake is to be obtained from baled hay (not selectively cut stems).
Members are responsible for providing their own 5-gallon bucket to exhibit their corn in. Exhibits not meeting this requirement will be lowered by one placing.
Beginner: Grades 3-5
Exhibit Requirements:
- Plan your project year
- Grow a plot of corn
- Make an exhibit from one of the project activities you selected
- Complete “Crops Projects Record Sheet” (first page only)
Exhibit one of the following:
- Three corn stalks consisting of:
- One cornstalk with washed roots (no soil)
- And two cornstalks cut off at the top of the ground. Exhibit all cornstalks in one white 5-gallon bucket (provided). Also provide an extra copy of the Crops Record Sheet with your plant. Display it in a Gallon Zip-lock bag.
- A 22”x28” poster on one of the topics below:
- “The Parts of the Corn Plant”
- “Identifying Some Pest of Corn”
- “Effects of Planting Depth on Corn Growth”
Intermediate: Grades 6-8
Exhibit Requirements:
- Plan your project year
- Grow a large plot of corn
- Make an exhibit from one of the project activities you selected
- Complete “Crops Projects Record Sheet”
Exhibit one of the following:
- Three corn stalks as described above. Also provide an extra copy of the Crops Record Sheet with your plant. Display it in a Gallon Zip-lock bag.
- A 22”x28” poster on one of the topics below:
- “Know how to Read Pesticide Labels
- “Making the Farmstead Safer”
- “The Role of Corn in Other Foods”
- “My Own Corn Germination Test”
- “Effects of Weed Competition on Corn Growth.
Advanced: Grades 9-12
Exhibit Requirements:
- Plan your project year
- Grow a large plot of corn
- Make an exhibit from one of the project activities you selected
- Complete the “Crops Project Record Sheet”
Beginner: Grades 3-5
Exhibit Requirements:
1. Plan your project year
2. Grow a plot of corn
3. Make an exhibit from one of the project activities you selected
4. Complete “Crops Projects Record Sheet” (first page only)
Exhibit one of the following:
- Three corn stalks as described above. Also provide an extra copy of the Crops Record Sheet with your plant. Display it in a Gallon Zip-lock bag. OR
- A 22”x28” poster on one of the topics below:
- “Plant Nutrient Deficiencies”
- “Fertilizer Nutrient Calculations”
- “Fertilizer Cost Comparison”
- “My 4-H Corn Project Field’s Erosion Rate”
- “Best Tillage-Planting System for My 4-H Corn Project Field”
- “Cross-, Self-, and Open-Pollination Experiment”
- “My Corn Performance Trial Results”
- “Last Safe Planting Date for Corn Hybrids”
Beginner: Grades 3-5
Exhibit Requirements:
- Complete three of the following activities:
- 1,2,3 or 13 in the 4-H Soybean Manual
- Keep accurate records using the 4-H Crops Record Sheet.
Exhibit one of the following:
- Three green plants including roots free of soil & tied together. Provide an extra copy of the Crops Record Sheet with your plant. Display it in a Gallon Zip-lock bag. Also, attach an information card as listed below.
- 22”x28” poster on one of the following:
- “Germination of the Soybean”
- “Using the Soybean”
Intermediate: Grades 6-8
Exhibit Requirements:
- Complete two of the following activities:
- 4,7, or 14 in the 4-H Soybean Manual
- Keep accurate records using the 4-H Crops Record Sheet.
Exhibit one of the following:
- Three green plants including roots free of soil & tied together. Provide an extra copy of the Crops Record Sheet with your plant. Display it in a Gallon Zip-lock bag. Also, attach an information card
as listed below. - 22”x28” poster on one of the following:
- “The Effect of Light & Darkness on Flowering”
- “Soybean Plant Nutrient deficiencies”
- “Preparing Soybeans for Home Use”
Advanced: Grades 9-12
Exhibit Requirements:
- Complete two of the following activities:
- 5, 6, or 14 in the 4-H Soybean Manual.
- Keep accurate records using the 4-H Crops Record Sheet.
Exhibit one of the following:
- Three green plants including roots free of soil, tied together. Provide an extra copy of the Crops Record Sheet with your plant. Display it in a Gallon Zip-lock bag. Also, attach an information card as listed below.
- 22”x28” poster on one of the following:
- “Differences in Flowering Among Soybean Varieties”
- “How Planting Dates Affect Soybean Yields”
If you exhibit #1 (three green soybean plants), attach an information card which includes:
- Variety or hybrid and number
- Date of Planting
- Maturity (early, medium, late)
- Kind and amount of fertilizer applied
- Width of rows
- Approximate population per acre
Small Grains (Wheat or Oats)
Beginner: Grades 3-5
Intermediate: Grades 6-8
Advanced: Grades 9-12
Exhibit one of the following:
- 22”x28” poster on one of the following:
- “The Parts of a Plant”
- “The Effects of Moisture and Temperature on Seed Germination”
- “The Effects of Plant Competition and Growth”
- “The Effects of Planting Depth”
- “The Effects of Soil Types on Growth”
- “The Role of Small Grains in the Consumer’s Life”
- “Comparative Analysis”
- Exhibit one gallon of your small grain (oats or wheat) you harvested this year. Also provide an extra copy of the Crops Record Sheet with your grain. All Small Grains should be exhibited in a 1gallon clear glass jar. Jar can be provided by 4-H Inc.
If you exhibit #2 (oats or wheat), attach an information card which includes:
- Variety or hybrid and number
- Date of planting
- Maturity (early, medium, late)
- Kind and amount of fertilizer applied