4-H Queens

Miss Montgomery County 4-H fair queen

We are excited to announce the call-out for the 2023 Miss Montgomery County 4-H Fair Queen Contest.  This year we will be crowning our 65th Montgomery County 4-H Fair Queen, and we hope you’ll take the challenge to participate in this worthwhile event.  Only a small percentage of 4-Hers take this challenge and we hope that you will be one of them!

Contact Us

4-H Queen Contact:

Nikki Galloway at 765-366-7342 or 


Livestock Queen Contact:

Morgan Bible @ 765-918-3120


Miss Montgomery County 4-H Queen

We are excited to announce the call-out for the 2024 Miss Montgomery County 4-H Fair Queen Contest.  This year we will be crowning our 66th Montgomery County 4-H Fair Queen, and we hope you’ll take the challenge to participate in this worthwhile event.  Only a small percentage of 4-Hers take this challenge and we hope that you will be one of them!  To be eligible for Princess, you must be 15 years old by July 6th, 2024.  To be eligible for Queen, you must be 18 by June 1st, 2025.

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact Nikki Galloway at 366-7342. You may also direct questions to Melissa Norman at 918-4132, or Heather Rhoads at 376-9177.  Please complete the appropriate form and email it to Nikki Galloway at nikkigalloway80@gmail.com, no later than Friday, May 17th, 2024.  We look forward to working with you!

2024 Queen Hopeful Letter 



4-H fair livestock queens

It is that time of year again to submit your application to compete to be crowned a Montgomery County Livestock Queen!  Each winner will be required to be present at the Miss Montgomery County 4-H Queen Contest on Saturday, July 6th.  Attached is an entry form for the livestock queen(s) you are eligible to compete for.  Eligibility requirements are as follows:

*15-18 years old by June 26, 2024*

*Current member of Montgomery County 4-H*

*Enrolled in the Livestock Project of the specie(s) that you are interviewing for*

If you are eligible to compete for more than one, you are welcome to interview for each one but you cannot win more than one livestock queen.  You are allowed to compete for Miss Montgomery County and for a livestock queen.

If you have any questions before then, please don’t hesitate to call Melissa Patton at 765-230-1126 or Morgan Bible at 765-918-3120.  Please complete the enclosed form and email it to morganmeadows02@gmail.com no later than Monday, June 3rd, 2024.  We look forward to working with you!


Beef Queen Entry Form

Canine Queen Entry Form

Dairy Queen Entry Form

Goat Queen Entry Form

Horse and Pony Queen Entry Form

Pork Queen Entry Form

Poultry Queen Entry Form

Rabbit Queen Entry Form

Sheep Queen Entry Form