Health and Human Sciences

It's as simple as

Food, Family, Money, & Health


The Health and Human Sciences (HHS) Educator delivers educational programs in Vigo County that are evidence and research based, to all community members.  HHS Purdue Extension focuses on issues related to families and parenting through programs like our "Strengthening Families Program". HHS Extension delivers health and wellness and food and nutrition programs to help with chronic diseases, like "Dining with Diabetes" and "Be Heart Smart". Through HHS you can also learn about food safety and home food preservation. Where Does Your Money Go helps those who struggle financially get back to basics by learning budgeting.

Click the icon below for the 2024 Open Class Fair Book!
2024 Open Class Fair Department Forms

Contact Us

Purdue Extension Vigo County
275 Ohio St.
Terre Haute, IN 47807
(812) 462-3371



Purdue Extension Vigo County
Health and Human Sciences Educator

Examples of Programming

The Strengthening Families Program: For Parent and Youth 10-14 is an evidence-based program that can help prevent teen substance abuse and other behavior problems, strengthen parent/youth communication skills, increase academic success in youth, help teach youth skills for dealing with stress and peer pressure, prevent violence, and aggressive behavior at home and at school. Ranked as the #1 prevention program out of 6,000 analyzed by the World Health Organization, the Strengthening Families Program consists of 7, 2-hr. long classes comprising of youth, parent, and family sessions.

Session topics included:

  • Love & Limits
  • Dreams & Goals
  • House Rules
  • Appreciating Parents
  • Encouraging Positive Behavior
  • Dealing with Stress
  • Following Rules & Using Consequences
  • Peer Pressure

For more information, visit


Each year, about 659,000 people in the United States die from heart disease, that’s 1 of every 4 deaths (CDC)! Purdue Extension’s Be Heart Smart Program helps individuals learn information to prevent and reduce their risk of developing heart disease. Over the course of four lessons, participants will learn about the risk factors associated with heart disease, important numbers to know, heart-healthy eating, and how to make sustainable heart-healthy lifestyle changes.

Be Heart Smart cost $15 to attend. For more information, visit:

According to Gallup, only 1 in 3 Americans use a budget and 30% have a long-term financial plan involving savings and investments for the future. Where Does Your Money Go? Program is designed to help consumers better understand how to spend their money. Taught over two, one-hour sessions, participants learn about financial management practices such as needs vs wants, writing goals, tracking expenses, identifying spending leaks, and how to develop a spending-savings plan. Furthermore, program activities help participants increase their knowledge of money management practices that promote financial stability and adoption of new habits that can lead to financial control.

For more information, visit:

According to the National Diabetes Statistics Report 2020, 34.2 million Americans have diabetes and another 88 million have prediabetes (CDC). Furthermore, people who have diabetes are 2.3 more likely to have greater healthcare cost than people who don’t have diabetes.

The Dining with Diabetes Program is a designed to assist and support individuals who have diabetes as well as their families to help reduce the burden of diabetes by increasing knowledge of healthy foods, tips to prepare quick, healthy, and tasty foods, demonstrating proper cooking techniques, promoting physical activity, building confidence, and providing opportunities for participants to learn from one another.


The cost to attend Dining with Diabetes is $40 per individual or $65 per couple. To learn more about Dining with Diabetes, visit:

Extension Homemakers

Vigo County Extension Homemakers
June 2024 Newsletter
Important Dates to Remember


June 10-12                                  Home and Family Conference

June 17         (Monday)              Past Presidents Meeting 

June 19         (Wednesday)        Extension Office Closed—Juneteenth
June 24         (Monday)              Achievement Day—Council Meeting to follow
July 4             (Thursday)           Extension Office Closed - July 4th 
July 5             (Friday)                Vigo County Fair Clean Up Day - You can put in your club display
July 6-13                                     Vigo County Fair
July 10          (Wednesday)        Baker's Best Contest and Auction at Vigo County Fair


Thank you to Ruth Ridener, Stardust Watson of Sugar Grove Club, Terri Taylor of Hearts at Home Club, Julia Reed, Rita Parker, Darlene Lowe, Jo Cochran and Janet Kleptz of Prairie Creek Club for working on the baby blankets and burp cloths. I also want to thank my husband Dan for helping sew the burp cloths. If I missed anybody else, I’m sorry and thank you.

 As this is my last newsletter, I'd like to take this time to say THANK YOU for the privilege and honor and opportunity to be your Council President. It has been very rewarding and some times very stressful. Much responsibility comes with this position but it also comes with many rewards. I have gotten to know all of you by working side by side with you in different ways. I was proud to represent you as your President and I know that Debbie will do a great job as she takes over this position of President. Please give her your help and support like you have given me. Thank you all again.

A big thank you to my Council Officers. I couldn’t have done the job of President without everyone’s help! Thank you, thank you, thank you to Wendy in the office for her excellent help.


  1. June 10-12, 2024 (Mon-Wed) Home and Family Conference at Embassy Suites Hotel in Noblesville, IN. There are 5 of us going. Ruth Ridener and Stardust Watson (Vigo County 1st Timer Winner) from Sugar Grove Club, Debbie Giffel (new Council President) from Hearts at Home Club and Georgia Hunt and Janet Kleptz from Prairie Creek Club are going. Sarah Gossett from Fayette Extension may be going also.
  2. June 17, 2024 (Mon) Past Presidents Meeting at Ellie Oliver’s house at 7470 S. Trueblood Place, Terre Haute at 11AM. She, Terri Taylor and Carol Hawn will be the hostesses. Meat and paper products will be provided. You are asked to bring a side dish to share. Bring your swimsuit to enjoy her pool and or hot tub.

  3. June 24, 2024 (Mon) Achievement Day with Council Meeting to follow. We will meet in the Community Building at the Vigo County Fairgrounds. Registration will be at 9:30AM and the meeting will start at 10:00AM. We will have a salad bar for lunch. Small clubs are asked to bring 1 large bowl of salad. Large clubs are asked to bring 2 large bowls of salad. Drinks of tea, lemonade and water will be provided. Prairie Creek and Burnett Clubs are in charge. Please plan on attending.

  4. There will be a Council Meeting Immediately following Achievement Day.

  5. July 5, 2024 (Fri) will be clean up day. Be there at 8AM and bring your own cleaning supplies. You can also put in your club display.

  6. July 6-13, 2024 Vigo County Fair. Don’t forget to sign up to help at the Book Fair. Talk to Ruth Ridener for info.

  7. July 10, 2024 (Wed) is Baker’s Best. The flavor will be RAISIN. Entries will be accepted from 9-11:30AM. The auction will be that evening at 6:30PM. It’s easy and free to enter! Participation is open to all persons.


  1. There were 2 Table Runners entered and Ruth Ridener’s entry won. It will be going to Home and Family Conference. Two Cultural Arts Projects were entered and Ruth Ridener’s entry won. It will be going to Home and Family Conference also.

  2. June 24, 2024 (Mon) Achievement Day with Council Meeting to follow. We will meet in the Community Building at the Vigo County Fairgrounds. Registration will be at 9:30AM and the meeting will start at 10:00AM. We will have a salad bar for lunch. Small clubs are asked to bring 1 large bowl of salad. Large clubs are asked to bring 2 large bowls of salad. Drinks of tea, lemonade and water will be provided. Prairie Creek and Burnett Clubs are in charge. Please plan on attending.


The next Past Presidents meeting will be on Monday, June17, 2024. Please note the date change. It will be held at Ellie Oliver’s house at 7470 S. Trueblood Place, Terre Haute, IN, 47802, at 11AM. Ellie, Terri Taylor and Carol Hawn will be the hostesses. Meat and paper products will be provided. You are asked to bring a side dish to share. Bring your swimsuit and enjoy Ellie’s pool and or hot tub.

The Past Presidents Club is an honorary club to pay tribute to those who have served their club as president..


VCVC will be performing for Home and Family Conference on Tues., June 11, 2024.


The Vigo County Fair is coming soon and there will be all kinds of ways to help. Let Ruth Ridener, Terri Taylor or me know if you would like to help.


We will be scheduling another work day for the baby blankets and burp cloths. Please think about coming to help. The more workers we have the less time it will take to get done. Thanks. This will not happen till later on in the year. We will keep you updated. 


Our new State President wants to continue on with the Scatter Kindness Hearts. Let me know if you have done any. Anyone made and scattered any hearts lately? Thanks to Barbara Mericle for the hearts she has made. 


  1. Don’t forget Home and Family Conference is June 10-12, 2024 (Mon-Wed).

  2. Don’t forget you can collect pop tabs. You can give them to your club president, Sarah Gossett or me.

  3. Don’t forget to turn in any info you would like in the Newsletter by the 15th of the month. You will be turning in your info to Debbie Giffel the New Council President.

  4. If you need Gail Wright to open the building for you when you are a hostess be sure to let her know in advance. She would be glad to do so as long as she knows in advance.

  5. Remember to keep track of your volunteer hours.

  6. Just a reminder there will be NO JULY NEWSLETTER.

I want to say Thank You to you all for all of your help and cooperation for the last 2 years of my presidency. It takes a lot of help from everyone to get things done. Please be as helpful to your new Council President, Debbie Giffel, as you were to me.

Hope you all have a fun, safe and wonderful summer.

 Janet Kleptz
Vigo County Extension Homemaker President





  Gail Wright

Extension Educator

Health & Human Sciences