Team Sports
Description: Team Sports will provide an avenue for 4-H members to learn to work together to achieve a goal. 4-H Team sports exhibits need to be educational in nature. They need to teach others about your topic. All team sports exhibits are displayed horizontally 22” x 28” and mounted on a firm backing and covered in plastic. Notebooks can be submitted. List/ Cite sources used for images and information.
Level A: Grades 3 & 4-
Choose one of the following projects:
- Show on a poster or in a notebook one sport you participated in and tell why you liked it.
- Present the objectives and rules for the sport you participated in on a poster or in a notebook.
- Give information on what is meant by good sportsmanship and exhibit ways you can show it on a poster or in a notebook.
- Watch one team sport and exhibit what you learned about it on a poster or in a notebook.
Level B: 5th and 6th Grades:
Choose one of the following projects:
- Exhibit a poster or notebook on your team sport, giving rules and skills needed for the game.
- Exhibit a poster or notebook about a famous team sports player.
- Exhibit a poster or notebook showing equipment needed for your team sport.
- Research what Special Olympics are and exhibit a poster or notebook about your findings.
Level C: Grades 7-9
Choose one of the following projects:
- Exhibit a poster or notebook on your team sport, giving rules and skills needed for the game.
- Exhibit a poster or notebook on warm-up exercises you can do before playing your team sport and why its important.
- Exhibit a poster or notebook on the most common accidents that occur in your team sport and show treatment for them.
- Exhibit a poster or notebook on the different positions played on your team sport.
Level D: Grades 9-12
Choose one of the following projects:
- Exhibit a poster of your team sport giving rules and skills needed .
- Research the history of your team sport and exhibit a poster of what you learned .
- Exhibit notebook or poster to show some basic tips to prevent injuries while playing your team sport.
- Exhibit notebook or poster to diagram and design one offensive team strategy for your team sport.
Independent Study- Grades 9-12
Advanced topic- Learn all you can about a team sport of your choice and present it on a poster or in a notebook.
Mentoring: exhibit a poster or notebook that shows how you mentored a younger 4-H member. Include your planning timeline, hours spent, challenges, and advantages of mentoring. Include how you felt about the experience and what you learned through it.