The purpose of the Indiana 4-H Livestock Program is to provide real-life educational opportunities that allow youth to develop livestock skills and learn about animal-related careers, and more importantly to learn what it means to be responsible for something other than themselves. This is only one part of a larger 4-H youth development program that aims to develop young people who will have a positive impact in their communities and the world. The main goal of the 4-H livestock program is to ensure 4-H members are learning to ethically raise, care for, and exhibit their animals to meet current food safety guidelines. Parents and other adult mentors play a significant role in this learning experience for youth. This online 4-H Animal Ethics Program was developed to provide educational tools to the adults who are working with 4-H livestock members. The goals of this program include:

  • Provide a foundation for 4-H families to start a conversation about livestock ethics and an understanding of why rules are in place.​
  • Ensure 4-H parents and adult mentors realize they are representatives of a larger livestock industry and give them tools to communicate effectively with the general public on behalf of that community.
  • Ensure animals in the Indiana 4-H Program are treated with the utmost care.​

CLay county grooming assistance requirements:

Clay County 4-H Exhibitors may receive clipping and grooming assistance only from members of their immediate family (father, mother, and siblings), from a legal guardian, from a current Indiana 4-H member, and from individuals enrolled in the Indiana 4-H Approved Animal Grooming Assistance Program. Please contact the Extension Office with questions on how to be approved or to see if you are already on the approved groomers list.

Groomers must be approved by JULY 1, 2024 to be eligible to assist 4-H'ers at the Clay County Fair.

There are now 2 options for completion of the program:

  • Option 1: If you are new to the program complete the 5 Animal Ethics and Adult Expectations online modules attached in this Qualtrics Survey, complete your application via this Qualtrics Survey, and also submit a copy of your valid Indiana driver’s license via this Qualtrics. Located here:
  • Option 2 : If you completed the program in 2023, please select that option to proceed to complete the Adult Expectations, application and submit your valid Indiana driver’s license. If you are unsure if completed the program in 2023, please contact your local Extension Office to have them check the list.